I'm working on a painting as well, but focusing on the Hakos. Click the banner below to see more about the show and learn a bit about one of the more awesome collectibles shops in the area!
These were finished up this morning...took about half a day to get them cut, assembled, painted and detailed. Most don't realize that these are hand painted and I put just as much effort into them as I would any piece of art I do.There are at least five layers of paint on each one which is how I get the color to look so "alive" opposed to just drawing them up in a CAD and printing at Kinkos en mass.
Here's a reinterpretation of the Space Invaders Hakos I took to the Clouds Have Eyes show. These were done last week and just needed some details to bring them into their own character.
Again, they're called "30pt" and "20pt" based on their position on the board. I like to call them "E" and "T". 10pt is in the works as of this update.
This is also a revision of the Mario Hako; scaled down just a bit to give a more Hako appearance. The Koopa Shell is the same morph as the first ones.
I really like this form best as it represents a vision of what the Hakos started out as: a simple form where the surface is fully utilized to bring forth the character. Luigi is on the desk as of this update and should be posted up soon.
(Later the same day in the studio of C!nder...)
Got side tracked so no 10pt Invader...but I finished up Luigi and added Thor and the Human Torch. Seems like I'm Team Building between the Avengers and the Fantastic Four...well, at least the classic versions anyway.
Here are the rest of the Comic Book Hakos. I figure a good dose of villainy will work well with all the heroes.
...and the rest of the Heroes.
(Later the same day in the studio of C!nder...)
Got side tracked so no 10pt Invader...but I finished up Luigi and added Thor and the Human Torch. Seems like I'm Team Building between the Avengers and the Fantastic Four...well, at least the classic versions anyway.
Here are the rest of the Comic Book Hakos. I figure a good dose of villainy will work well with all the heroes.
...and the rest of the Heroes.