Just finished up from "The Clouds Have Eyes" in Modesto. Had a good time poking around the town, seeing a few Nerdmarks like the American Graffiti stature at George Lucas Plaza. Here's a link to the page Modesto has on Lucas and a link to the Google Image Search of the plaza. Well, it's not really all that, just a touch stone in the history of a film maker and major contributor to much of the industry.
But that's totally off topic for the evening!
The show was as much fun as I anticipated it to be. Art and music and lots of fans of both! For those of you reading this that attended: Thank You for coming out to the show. For those of you who heard about it but couldn't make it: you missed a lot of fun. Matt, the organizer, tells me there will be some videos and wright ups on the show. I'll post links as soon as I get them. In the meantime, on the subject of gaming, here's a fun web site with games for your smart phone!
And some links to the bands that were playing:
And many thanks to Deva Cafe' in Modesto for providing the venue!
Thanks again, guys!
Your stuff was awesome - it was nice seeing you again!